Book Party
Threw a party a couple of weeks ago to show my appreciation for the wonderful people in my life who have provided much support as I work my way through this crazy book thing. Rose and Paul Stage offered to host in their bed and breakfast — in their beautiful home. The day couldn’t have been more perfect — cool and clear, and the Maple Springs Lake Side Inn was the perfect venue for the gathering. The Inn was our first introduction to Maple Springs, and it remains a fixture in our lives as we share a deep friendship with Rose and Paul and the rest of their family.
We were joined by beloved friends and family, and the whole neighborhood turned up! Paul figured 120 people based on a quick count. Community plays a big part in my book, and community plays a big part in our lives. THIS community, and the people in it, really outdid themselves. I did a brief reading, and a lot of people in the audience were in the story. They waved or hollered out “okey-dokey” when they were mentioned. And they took it like good sports, even when I poked fun at them. Especially Emil, who lost his blue plate. Take a look at the photos — many people from the book are in the pictures.
It was a terrific party. Many people seem to have met new people — sometimes people they wanted to know but hadn’t yet met. People gobbled up the food that Guppy’s provided, and they made a pretty good dent in the beer and wine. Steve Swanson played piano, and Henry Huf, who sings karaoke at the Village Casino on Thursday nights and inspired a chapter in my book sang a little bit. Afterward, he regaled us with mostly dirty jokes and stories. Kathy Cherry, who made the maps in the book, was there with her daughter, Melissa, and friends from my favorite bookstores were there. Sisters, friends from Pittsburgh and Delaware, our favorite cousin, well — you get the picture.
So, again, grateful to everyone, and to the people in this wonderful community who let us in, let me write about them, and are still speaking to me. Enjoy the pictures!
- Maple Springs Lake Side Inn
- Beautiful lake
- Sisters from Madison
- Wisconsin State Bird
- Flowers from daughter Morgan
- Sister Pat
- Neighbors Gathering
- More Neighbors
- Red Solo Cups!
- Friends and one Bob
- Wagners and George Whitbeck
- Another Bob
- Celeste and Elise
- Jeff and Emil — Emil was the star of the story
- Roger and Ken
- Cousin Jack and another Bob
- The Stricklands — Kathy and BOB!
- Beth and Jeff
- Beth and Roger
- Milling around
- daughter Lisa and son-in-law Brian
- The O’Connors
- Guest bartenders
- A Bob
- Jeff the Emcee
- Beth is happy with Jeff the Emcee
- Paul Stage — great host!
- Paul reading
- Lisa and Brian
- Lots! of people!
- Me
- Trying not to cry
- Captive Audience
- Shar, Jan, and Jane
- A Bob!
- Marybeth and Mike Whiting
- A good crowd
- More good crowd
- We sing on their porch — but they didn’t know it!
- Sisters
- Sister Kate
- C’s got my back!
- Sweeping hand gesture
- Henry Sings
- Piano Man Steve Swanson
- Fly Me To The Moon
- Daughter Morgan and Henry Huf
- We love Henry!
- Rose — great host! — Ready for a martini
- Sister Kate
- Good Friends
- Sister Pat sharing her skillz with daughter Morgan
- Time to go!
- Book Signing at THE Chautauqua Institution
- Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner Redux
Loved the book, love the author and her hubby ain’t bad either….
Congrats on the release.
Beth, what great narrative and photos…almost feel like I was at this terrific party (except I am sober!) Thanks for sharing. Lovely book, great community and family. You have much to be grateful for–and I am grateful for you, your book and our friendship. Donna
This looks like a !st Annual Gala to me… please add me to the invite list for next year! I just love a red carpet — Beth, as always you are glamorous!! Love you..
And a Roger showing — now that’s hot!!