Hey, Yinzers!
If you’re in the neighborhood, please come see me at the Penguin Bookshop in Sewickley on Tuesday, September 16th. I’ll be reading and signing books from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The awesome Mary Ferris works there. In this picture — on the Whiting’s porch at the Maple Springs Labor Day party — you can see Mary in the back row. She is wearing sunglasses and a pink top, standing behind Marge, also wearing a pink top. Many of these lovely people are posing with my book! The infant in the front row is our new grandbaby, Lola.
More information on the Penguin Bookshop and the reading is contained in their newsletter. Here’s the link: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c4305858ea5e3ba2a4568e248&id=a2d74376bf&e=e8697a19c9
- Opening Act!
- Holy Catch-Up, Batman
beautiful day, beautiful picture, beautiful people.
“Where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average!”